
Yesterday someone I really care about was caught in old patterns. Family and friends stepped in but we were asked to let her fall. “Step back”, “don’t enable.” Difficult and wise advice for sure! I write this in her honor. Sending prayers and light that she might become free of all that holds back her full, beautiful self. May we all feel freedom like happy children and become…Unstuck.

Being stuck happens in all different areas of our lives. Feeling Stuck? This may be Why. For me, it seems I was overly attached to where I was living before. I didn’t realize how freeing it would be to let go. It has been so emotionally difficult to let go, but as with all who have passed and what has come and gone in my life, I am growing, changing, getting stronger with each success.

When I was doing physical training with clients I would tell them that you build muscles by tearing them a little (not too much), and during rest, muscles magically heal stronger than they were before. Getting unstuck works a lot like muscle building, it hurts a little (sometimes a lot) when we first start to change but learning new skills, experiencing personal growth, attaining something we worked for, is not as hard as it is to be stuck. The longer we stick around in circumstances and/or with challenging people, usually the longer and harder it is to make a change. 2 Ways to Get Unstuck

Feeling Stuck? Become Unglued! 5 Major Categories of Stickiness… 

  1. I highly recommend this nicely written article about getting unstuck after divorce. Divorce Recovery.
  2. Alcohol Recovery. Drugs and alcohol, probably one of the hardest, most solid places to become unstuck.
  3. I have spent countless hours helping people become unstuck from Toxic Relationships.
  4. Thanks to some excellent coaches about 12 years ago I became unstuck from Bad Financial Habits.
  5. Love work? Stuck, Bored, and Unfulfilled at Work? It took me many years and toward the very end of my Master’s degree, before I realized that I am NOT a good employee, I am fully an Entrepreneur. I am so happy to be working on my own schedule, in my home, doing what I was born to do.

Published by tferrari

Over 25 years as an entrepreneur, business owner, consultant. BA in Psychology from University of California at San Diego MA from Alliant International University/California School of Professional Psychology

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