Skill: Passion: Consider it for Yourself

Skill: Passion: Consider it for Yourself

What was it? Can you remember? Your very first dream, fantasy, acting out what you wanted to be when you grew up? Big dreamer here, the back of the couch was my platform to pretend to play the giant trumpet (tuba), the giant guitar (cello), but we didn’t have the money for music lessons. I loved to spin around on the clothesline in our back yard (for which I was in trouble often) and pretend I was a superhero. But my really, really big dream was to live at Disneyland. We used to go every year. It was my favorite, happiest place on earth, literally.

So what happened to my dream? The family encouraged “getting a real job.” Through dancing, I thought a job might come about. Until one of my fellow dancers commented on what a small percent made it professionally. I gave up that dream. I secretly dreamed of being President one day and so went for a Political Science Degree. The reality of a woman in politics in the ’80s became crushingly depressing after a trip to DC. By switching majors to Psychology I figured perhaps I could help people one at a time. I eventually discovered that I was more passionate about life changes than most of my clients. Someone referred to what I was trying to do as selling something that people really don’t want. Very discouraging!

This year I have reached the age that my Mom was when she passed away. I am experiencing life through very different eyes since the death of numerous friends and family members and pets. As I reexamined my Core Values in the midst of a global pandemic I realized what was, is, and probably always will be most important to me. Same thing as my role model, Walt Disney, amusement parks, and community living such as he originally envisioned. 

My big fun goal is to visit all of the Disney parks, there are 12, across all of the resorts so far I have made 3 of the 6 Resorts. There are very many Disney experience opportunities.

  1. California: Disneyland: personal favorite & second home since my Mom took me every year.
  2. Florida: Disneyworld: Home of EPCOT, my personal 2nd favorite park.
  3. France: Disneyland Paris: By far the fastest Space Mountain.
  4. Disney Cruise: Gotta have this on my bucket list for when the world heals again.
  5. Hawaii, Oahu: Disney Aulani: Requires an overnight stay at upwards of $500 per night, I’m saving.
  6. Japan: Tokyo Disney: A long and expensive flight, it’s in my long-term plan.
  7. Hong Kong Disney China: What to think about China in 2020? We will wait and see.
  8. China: Shanghai Disney

Walt was a visionary, a dreamer, boy did he dream HUGE! His death was a bigger loss to this world than I realized until I was doing this research. Do you know what EPCOT stands for? “Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow” (EPCOT). WOW! He envisioned the communities of tomorrow. How we might all live and work together growing clean food, utilizing no pollution in transportation, living in green, efficient housing. The Disney theme parks, with thrill rides, are why many people go to Disney. But my BIG, HUGE, DREAM is in alignment with Walt’s original vision. Making the present better, easier, more efficient, and therefore leaving more time for fun. 

What is it for you? Your own personal passion? What did you dream about? What do you want to dream about but don’t allow yourself time for? Come back tomorrow for part 2, Inflating your Passions.

Published by tferrari

Over 25 years as an entrepreneur, business owner, consultant. BA in Psychology from University of California at San Diego MA from Alliant International University/California School of Professional Psychology

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