Skill: Finding Fulfilling Future

All of the youth I know have had the same conversation with me. It’s a conversation I have had with numerous adults and myself as I neared successful completion of raising my son. What’s next? What am I going to do with myself after he leaves the den? I remembered in high school there was a test to see what would be a good fit for my future. What was that word they used for that???? That’s right! Aptitude Testing. So I Googled to find out if there was a good one online. My search produced a bunch and I did my normal research, focusing on something free first. I ended up finding one I really like and wanted to share it.

First, you should be able to do your own research: 

12 Best Career Aptitude Tests

This is the one I chose and have referred a few people. They have an easy to use web site and test, free results that allow you to poke around on recommendations for career paths, job opportunities, and educational resources. I enjoy spending time on their site. They underwent a much-needed name change recently (I could never remember their former name) to CareerExplorer

There are 2 additional questions that need to be answered when looking into the future for fulfilling career possibilities. No matter what stage of life, these 2 questions are practical and important. Each individual has their own level of comfort. The questions to ask are:

How much money do you NEED to make?

How much money do you WANT to make?

The knee jerk reaction is to put the Want number at a SUPER high level. But most people have a sweet spot in their lifestyle. That just the right amount of money to be very comfortable and happy.  And in very many cases it’s more about being satisfied with what we do earning our income, and where in the world we are doing it and with whom that dictates our contentment.

Want to consider Needs and Wants in more detail? Needs and Wants

Advanced: If you would like to dig deeper on the different types of tests: Aptitude & Assessment Test Types

Published by tferrari

Over 25 years as an entrepreneur, business owner, consultant. BA in Psychology from University of California at San Diego MA from Alliant International University/California School of Professional Psychology

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