Movement: Beginner Abdominal Strengthening

Move More Tip #1…

Abdominal muscles are critical when it comes to back health. Weak muscles directly equate to increased back pain and back-related challenges. The abdominal muscles can be worked every day. But 2-3 times a week is a GREAT start.

Starter, seated Ab exercises

After mastering seated exercises, here are some excellent next-level Ab exercises.

Looking for a daily routine? 30 Day Ab Challenge

Published by tferrari

Over 25 years as an entrepreneur, business owner, consultant. BA in Psychology from University of California at San Diego MA from Alliant International University/California School of Professional Psychology


  • Isha Sharma

    October 19, 2018 at 7:57 am Reply

    Spinal cord injury are common.Spinal cord injury results when a crack in the strong outer layer of cartilage allows some of the softer inner cartilage to squeeze out of the disk.Thanks for sharing information about spine care treatment .

  • William Cox, DC

    September 26, 2018 at 10:57 am Reply

    Some really good advice here! Too many people ignore their back and/or neck issues until they are in so much pain that they are desperate for relief. That desperation drives many to seek the “quick fix” of pharmaceuticals. True, the inflammation can subside with time and the person typically returns to normal activity, but the cause of the problem was never addressed!
    Unfortunately, these issues tend to become recurrent, starting a seemingly endless cycle of suffering. It is extremely important to investigate, discover and treat the CAUSE. Not just the symptoms.

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