How to Think? Balance Big and Detail!

Balanced Big and Detail Thinking!

When The Big Picture Syncs with the Small Picture (aka Detail Oriented) 

Consider what type of thinker you are. If you are very much to one extreme I hope you will spend some time figuring out how to find balance for yourself in a world that seems frequently unbalanced. Home and work conflicts very often happen because of clashes in priorities from the needs of 2 different types of thinkers. How have I found balance as a typically big thinker? 

  1. Surrounded by people who can help with the details.
  2. Embraced the value of making sure details are scheduled and completed.
  3. Observing my stress level as I approach a task with lots of details and taking frequent breathing, walking breaks.
  4. Being super honest when details start to bog me down and asking for or hiring help.

My place, where am I in the grand scheme?

In the vastness of the Universe and across all of time where do I fit in?

In this Milky Way Galaxy I feel so incredibly small, but there must be a place for me because I exist?

In this solar system there is so much vastness that I can’t see much at all, how can I see better?

Standing on this planet with several other billion people, why do I feel so alone?

Living on this side of earth I wonder what people on the other side of the planet feel like when it’s day here and night there?

There are so many people on so few continents, what determines which one we are born on?

When I fly across my own continent it seems like there is so much open space, so why are there so many people living in big cities and why is complaining about living in a city a thing?

My state, do I really know it? Am I involved in making it better?

My county, how did these lines between counties get created and do I love living in my county?

My community, what does it have to offer and what can I give back to it?

My neighborhood! I can make a REAL difference here and now. Sharing my tomatoes and cucumbers, walking in my neighborhood multiple times a day, saying hello and petting all the dogs, waving at those who pass on my street, being kind to all who enter MY territory. 

My HOME! My Family! I have the power to create a beautiful, loving space. This is where I fit. This is where I have the biggest impact. This is where change starts. I am so glad I sat down and wrote this out. Now I know the power I have to improve the world around me.

But wait! This morning I had quiet time to journal, meditate, make my morning coffee and then I was inspired. It felt like the inspiration came from outside the universe and from inside my heart all at the same time. What I asked in my meditation is…

Where do I fit in?

I hope this inspires others to find their own thinking size. Examine how thinking differences may be impacting life and apply something new to make stress go down and enjoyment go up. Please search for where and how the right balance of thinking can cause gifts and talents to work together and spring into action. The next big business or non profit organization may be lurking inside your home or business group.

Additional Resources about Thinking:

Homemaker’s Perspective

Business Perspective

Understanding Thinking Styles

5 Thinking Styles

Published by tferrari

Over 25 years as an entrepreneur, business owner, consultant. BA in Psychology from University of California at San Diego MA from Alliant International University/California School of Professional Psychology

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