Homeschool Convention – Time to Explore

Today my husband and I attended a Homeschool Convention. Our son was homeschooled and while I never attended a convention while we were homeschooling, we were curious about the resources for homeschooled families in our area.

This is a summary of some of the resource vendors at this event, in no particular order, not at all all-inclusive, but I thought these new resources were really interesting…

Personal Care – Healthcare is a primary reason to homeschool. If your family is homeschooling and knows nothing about Homeopathics, why not learn about it and explore one of these companies promoting natural alternatives to health challenges?

Science – 

Arts – 

Animals – 

  • Pet Emergency Academy – Homeschooling and pets often go hand in hand. What a great idea to offer homeschool and youth training programs that could save a pet’s life.

Our Homeschooling journey was incredibly rewarding, I offer my knowledge and experience to any family that might want support. Are you in doubt? Consider reviewing some earlier posts: 

Teaching and Learning Styles

Finding a Fulfilling Future (great for teens)

Here’s to your educational success no matter which road you choose!

Published by tferrari

Over 25 years as an entrepreneur, business owner, consultant. BA in Psychology from University of California at San Diego MA from Alliant International University/California School of Professional Psychology

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