Packed, moved, unpacked, and started a new life. It’s been just over a year since our family made a complete move from San Diego to Baltimore. Yes, it’s been a total life overhaul. There were many, many tears shed in the preparation. My son and I took the cross-country...
Life Skills
Homemaker: Skill – Happy
Happy is my daily goal. Life happens, the ups & downs, twist and turns and the occasional ful loop. When the bumps arrive, they can feel like a punch, and when I feel the punch I aim for evasive maneuvers like the Bob and Weave. (A term borrowed from...
Homemaker: Skill – Breadmaker
It’s 2019, we decided to gift our family a Breadmaker for Christmas. We LOVE it! Easy, healthy, fast and best of all, warm bread that makes our house smell like a bakery. Gaining confidence in my new skill I decided to purchase the break making flour (by the way,...
Homemaking, how does it Compare to Employment?
What do you think? I am VERY interested in your perspective on Homemaking. Here is carefully gathered information that gives full support to those who put everything they have into their role of Household Manager/Homemaker. There are some people who look at Homemaking as an Art… The Art of...
Best Sleep EVER!
If you have never heard about or tried Self Hypnosis, you have really been missing out on something amazing. This is a simple, relaxing process that only works if you want it to work (so it’s NOT possible to have your brain hijacked). In other words, if you REALLY...
Skills that promote health and well-being…
The World Health Organization has been recommending, for well over 20 years, that these 11 Life Skills are necessary for health and well-being. It was not until college that Life Skills were introduced in any kind of detail. Some countries have full life-skills training programs across different stages of...