Try = Do

I have a creative idea, I try, it’s not working. They say, “give up,” “it’s not working,” “quit,” “stop.” I feel sad, hurt, and so I quit.Can you remember? How many times was this said to you?Most importantly, are you still saying it to yourself? I have a life-long pattern of...


Yesterday someone I really care about was caught in old patterns. Family and friends stepped in but we were asked to let her fall. “Step back”, “don’t enable.” Difficult and wise advice for sure! I write this in her honor. Sending prayers and light that she might become free...

Being Organized

Being organized was a HUGE problem in my business; it doesn’t come naturally to me. Over the years I have hired multiple organizers, attended numerous workshops and seminars, and worked to set myself up with better tools and systems. I still gain new knowledge from videos and books, so...

Who am I?

WOW! You would think with all the information on the internet that figuring out who we are would be a whole lot easier. The things that go into making us the completely unique people we are are so vast and deep that confusion prevents so many of us from...