Best Sleep EVER!

If you have never heard about or tried Self Hypnosis, you have really been missing out on something amazing. This is a simple, relaxing process that only works if you want it to work (so it’s NOT possible to have your brain hijacked). In other words, if you REALLY want to keep stress, anxiety, insomnia, depression…you can. However, within a few minutes, it is possible to see many of frustrating things reduce at a minimum, or in some cases completely disappear.

The Truth About Hypnosis

My fist experience with Hypnosis came from a wonderful woman, Dr Ruth in San Diego. Her gift to me, I didn’t even realize she had given me this gift, actually she took something away – that was the gift…So I went to see her, she sat me in a cozy chair and turned on a recorder, and talked. Calmly, I  sat back and relaxed into her voice-journey. It seemed like minutes, then I was awake, the hour was over. She sent me home with a personal recording (most good hypnotherapists will record your sessions and give them to you). I listened to that CD quite a few times, went back to her a couple more times and we both moved on.

About a year later I was talking with a friend and she mentioned she woke up with what I used to call, “a feeling of impending doom.” As she talked I realized I used to have the same feeling. Not every day, but off and on. It was gone, and for a long time. I realized it had been about a year since I had seem my friend, Dr. Ruth. That old, sick feeling I used to get was completely gone. Like magic. No pain. No pills. Just some talking and a major stressor in my life vanished.

I have since discovered the beauty of YouTube. With a simple Google search you can find thousands of these gold mines, most are completely free of charge. I LOVE these wellness people, their dedication to healing has changed my life. Writing & publishing a blog, in days past I would have never had the guts to go for it. So, here is my favorite guy:

Michael Sealey

This is a Best of List (although I have not listened to most of these, it’s free wellness so I will get through them all eventually):
Top YouTube Self Hypnosis

Additional Information – for those who like to research, here some additional Life Skills information and where Self-Hypnosis fits in:
Skill: Self Hypnosis

Published by tferrari

Over 25 years as an entrepreneur, business owner, consultant. BA in Psychology from University of California at San Diego MA from Alliant International University/California School of Professional Psychology


  • Pericles Rellas

    September 18, 2018 at 9:17 pm Reply

    When I was in college I took self-hypnosis and was blow away by the results. I was able to relax and sleep more deeply in less time resulting in a sense of alertness that was incredible. Thank you for this article it got me present to that again.

    • tferrari

      November 5, 2023 at 7:49 pm Reply

      Pericles you are such an amazing person. I would not be doing all of this writing and good work in this world if it wasn’t for your Financial work with me and my business.

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