Being Organized

Being organized was a HUGE problem in my business; it doesn’t come naturally to me. Over the years I have hired multiple organizers, attended numerous workshops and seminars, and worked to set myself up with better tools and systems. I still gain new knowledge from videos and books, so that I can live my life and run my business in a calm, organized manner. It is an on-going process. 

Life and Business run WAY better with an easy, clear, simple calendar and checklist system that work together. In the olden days, everything was on paper and it was a constant battle for me to be organized, on time, and arrive with everything I needed. Today I am eternally grateful to Google for all of it’s integrated tools that are always with me, synced on all of my devices. Thanks to a cohesive set of tools connected to my account I can log in from anywhere, be connected in an instant, and have the answers I need exactly when I need them. It’s like magic.

How do some friends appear super organized while using paper systems? A question that remains a mystery. Electronic tools keep me sane. Here is how it works for me:

Google Calendar app 

The #1 most critical thing in my life. I like to say that, “if it’s not on my calendar, it’s not real.” Notifications are probably the single most transformative thing in my adult life. I am on time and ready almost all the time now thanks to the features in my calendar. 

Google Keep app 

On my phone, I keep all info in small notes while I am out and about, then delete as I complete. 

Google Drive app 

Everything that needs to be stored electronically, short or long term, it all lives in a clearly titled folder and filed into a directory that I can share with individuals or groups.

  1. Google Sheets to keep track of my To-Do Items and any related notes, completed items, even usernames, and passwords. (Tip: For all websites that require my Social Security number, and sites where I keep client info I keep a paper password book. There are also online password programs to keep track of this info.
  2. Google Docs app used for any of my Google Keep notes that need to turn into something more. Instructions, forms, event info…It all goes into a document that I share/email link to all concerned.

Bonus Organizing tip: All of our photos now live in Google Photos. We have them set up to randomly rotate on our TV and computer screens. All those photos I never looked at, I see them all the time now. Less stress and more happy memories for me and my family.

Published by tferrari

Over 25 years as an entrepreneur, business owner, consultant. BA in Psychology from University of California at San Diego MA from Alliant International University/California School of Professional Psychology

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