Be Brave! Teen to Adult Change

20 Things – Important Adult Knowledge (Read this!!!! Great for Parents and Youth)

Way back, in my teen years I wrote this poem…

I’m so small, just a speck of dust.
I’m a part of the whole, but so insignificant.
I try to fit in, but I’m on the outside.
I can hear laughter, but cannot laugh.
I cry large tears, full of pain and joy.
I live to love but find an empty hole.
Those who love me, know the depth.
Churning and changing something to reach?
I thank the One for the beauty of nature.
Seeing and hearing the force of life’s love.
I stand alone, on an island of light.
Glowing, shining, brightening the dark.
Ever by your side, I will be.
Ever on my own, I shall stay.

I had a conversation with a young cousin recently who had become homeless. She is very creative and artistic but was working warehouse jobs to make enough money to survive. We discussed the torture and pain of our teen years, both very similar. We discussed thoughts of suicide, very real for teens as they reach the seeming abyss of their future. Standing over a canyon with one foot on the youth side and the other foot on the adult platform is a terrifying place to be. There is supposed to be a stable bridge in place to assist us in moving from one side to the other.

The skills needed to make a smooth transition are available and can be learned. Here are some resources.

Checklist: How to Adult

Prep Kids to Thrive as Adults

Transition to Adult

Bonus tip: Understand How to Care for a Pet

Published by tferrari

Over 25 years as an entrepreneur, business owner, consultant. BA in Psychology from University of California at San Diego MA from Alliant International University/California School of Professional Psychology

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