
Entrepreneurial Homemaker’s Stand and Be Heard!

Homemaking Defined:

household management. It is the act of overseeing the organizational, day-to-day operations of a house or estate, and the managing of other domestic concerns.”

“One who organizes, manages, and takes on the risks of a business or enterprise.”

My Vision Statement…

Uniting Homemakers and Encouraging Our Inner Entrepreneur 

My Mission…

  • To encourage Homemakers who are working day and night to build a healthy living space, usually with little people running around un-building.
  • To unite hardworking parents, many of whom are also running a business or want to run a business, and create a support network and open conversations to raise awareness until this role is equally respected to that of other job roles.
  • To provide training, tools, answers, and information to hard-working home entrepreneurs so they can reach their full potential and pass skills on to others.
  • To incite positive changes and growth that starts in the home and moves out to the community, state, country, and world.

Fly and be free! This is what I did to honor my father after he passed. Over 100 hours, 400 landings, 3 solo hours (flying the plane by myself). Did you know you can contact your local flight school and ask to do a Demonstration Flight? How to Find a Flight School. Whenever I speak to parents of children who want to fly I encourage them to ALL schedule a Demo Flight at a flight school. This is an excellent learning experience and offers a level of confidence to parents so they fully understand the potential career path of a budding pilot. Many of us end up deciding just to fly for fun.

Making a House a Home

My parents struggled, with everything. There was so much arguing especially about money. I have been on a continuous quest to learn how to make family and home better. I have always had a distaste for cleaning, am not really fond of cooking, preferring luxury and comfort life has seemed really hard sometimes. I hope that 2 overpriced degrees, hundreds of self-help books, lots of counseling and coaching sessions, numerous videos, and a lot of research can come together to aid others in knowing you are not alone in the most challenging of all “jobs”, parenting, homemaking, and entrepreneuring. Finding tools and tips that can be accessed and applied right away, and with some humor maybe bring a smile to a stressed day, I want you to know you are not alone.

Family Mission Statement

Our purpose is to prosper and have fun living our healthy and balanced lifestyle in our
clean organized homes. 

We travel frequently, play and laugh daily, and explore and adventure wherever we are.

We contribute to global healthy living by teaching and educating self-reliance, matching resources, and sharing our family love.

We utilize cutting-edge technology and principles of integrity to invite like-minded people into our lives.

Parenting and Home-Schooling

At age 11 my son asked to go to college early. Perhaps this doesn’t sound like a “problem” but WOW! It took a ton of work to figure this one out. He started junior college at 14 but we experienced a lot of schools before finding the ones that supported his demanding learning needs. We tried public school for a couple of years, one year was a resounding failure that saw us spending lots of time with counselors and head admin staff. Another year he did great, in a STEM school that he chose that offered some excellent academics. When bussing for the STEM school changed we had to find another learning solution. After 1 year of purchasing curriculum and doing “school at home” (yes, very different than home-schooling) we decided we could do it ourselves better. He spent the next year learning everything he could about space science, then moved on to physics. He was gifted a Kindle and began to read books at a pace faster than either of his parents could read. We encouraged multigenerational learning, grandparents can be excellent resources. Next came the quest for early college. I have always considered it my one true purpose of parenting to raise him and the other kids who I have had the privilege of supporting to become all that they can be. I am so in awe of their unique gifts and talents.


If you are running a house, it is not a stretch to run a business. Homeschooling requires a waiver in most states and when I started homeschooling I realized how similar it was to my business. Since I ran both business and homeschool in my home I found myself educating my son about business. That idea, home/school/business all blurred together and intensified during the pandemic which ended up improving the tools and resources for home entrepreneurship. I am running my 3rd business and have helped hundreds of homemaking entrepreneurs start and strengthen their businesses and find better work/life balance.

Here are a few examples:

Selling homemade family goods such as lip balm, hand-knitted items, and baked goods

Handyman business

Grow your own food, sell eggs, and produce locally

Set up a non-profit

Create a blog, start with family, and work it into a specialty

Sell products online

Pet support business

Finance and/or accounting business

The possibilities are only limited by ourselves, let’s find and lay down the next intentional step stone on a pathway to somewhere we want to go.

Our first family business teaching self reliance skills by growing your own food in hydroponic systems. A booth at the San Diego Fair, 2 years in a row, with over 750,000 people visiting and learning.

Our first Hydroponic station/lesson was about starting with a small kitchen system. Here’s our #1 recommendation: Aerogarden Sprout but pick the size that best fits your family size and gardening interest Aerogarden Harvest Elite. This checks off the science box, if your child is passionate about science put them in charge. Nothing like having fresh herbs and veggies right in your kitchen.