Homemaking, how does it Compare to Employment?

What do you think? I am VERY interested in your perspective on Homemaking.

Here is carefully gathered information that gives full support to those who put everything they have into their role of Household Manager/Homemaker.

There are some people who look at Homemaking as an Art…

The Art of Homemaking:


I see Homemaking as a business, so do many, many others.

The Business of Homemaking:

52 Job Titles: http://www.lifewithoutpink.com/2011/05/16/52-jobs-titles-a-mom-holds/

Homemaker Job Descriptions:



Homemaker’s Real Salary:


If moms received an annual salary for all of their responsibilities, they would earn an estimated $78,185. This salary estimate has seen an upward trend since 2014.


Full Sample Resume:


Global Differences, Homemaker’s are NOT treated equally globally…

This article references women, however increasing numbers of men are staying at home and managing the home and/or family. https://thepregnancypause.org/

Published by tferrari

Over 25 years as an entrepreneur, business owner, consultant. BA in Psychology from University of California at San Diego MA from Alliant International University/California School of Professional Psychology

1 Comment

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