New Life Skills – Self Trust

Who do you trust?

Can you trust you?

If the answer is really and truly “YES”, then you are ready for more advanced life sills.

But, for most of us, the truthful answer is… “sometimes”, “most of the time”, “off and on”, or sadly a resounding “NO”.

Here are some questions help identify where you are currently at in your self trust relationship…

  1. Are you waiting? For the perfect partner, the big financial payoff (like winning to lottery), or until something different happens that will make your life better?
  2. Are you addicted to something? Drugs, alcohol, a relationship or another person, video games, TV…
  3. Who do you dislike the most and how strong are the emotions?
  4. Disappointment? Is it a reoccurring theme? Are you regularly disappointed in others?
  5. Guilt? Feeling bad about this, that, or something else?

In this article from the Chopra Center they refer to self trust as a muscle that gets stronger with practice. It is really true! Take small steps when first starting to change your self relationship. Here are 3 small, easy things to start with:

  1. Keep a running log of accomplishments. On paper or on smart phone or computer. I started a shared document with my family so we can all share what we did, love, and are grateful for.
  2. Learn something! Every subject under the sun has a YouTube video, FREE!
  3. Get support. From Psychologists and support groups to self-help videos and books. There is so much FREE support there is no reason to suffer or be lonely.

Here is a full list of ways to improve your most important relationship, the one with yourself:

Building Self-Trust




Published by tferrari

Over 25 years as an entrepreneur, business owner, consultant. BA in Psychology from University of California at San Diego MA from Alliant International University/California School of Professional Psychology

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