Best Daily Self Care Practices: Semi-Annual Review

The most important person in your life, you, is probably being neglected. Especially if your “self” is caring for others. I work with a lot of exhausted humans. I typically spend the first 5-15 minutes of my coaching calls getting people to complete a self-care item that is keeping them from being focused on their own personal growth. Review self-care practices at least twice a year (try during a change of season.) Please, please take the time to adjust/improve at least one self-care practice.

Success Tips: 

  1. Select the self care item that you find the hardest, most awful, repulsive or that you resist the most.
  2. Find a creative way to do it YOUR way until it becomes a habit. 
  3. Do it every day, no stopping. If it’s going to become an important part of life, it must fit in your schedule.
  4. Practice until you can’t imagine a time when you didn’t do it.

Self-care Practices: 

  1. Water when you wake – Benefits: 34 Proven Ways Water Makes you Awesome.
  2. Single snooze button – Why get up in the morning? It’s only a small percentage of people who are naturally early risers. Find your own motivation. Here are about 20 advantages. I only need 1 reason to get up…I buy and make GREAT coffee for me. After 2 cups, I’m GREAT!
  3. Find foods that fulfill.
  4. Mind your movement.
  5. Break-away from…

Additional Self Care Resources:

How to Adult

Advanced: 7 Dimensions of Wellness

Self Care Skills for Homemaker/In-Home Teacher

Self- care for homeschool Moms. Here’s to those of us that took that “crazy” path of not only being a home manager but also decided to tackle the role of teacher.

Short Video: Mom Care

I new know what I might see when I get up in the morning.

Published by tferrari

Over 25 years as an entrepreneur, business owner, consultant. BA in Psychology from University of California at San Diego MA from Alliant International University/California School of Professional Psychology

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