Skill: Time: It’s NOT about Time

I was about to send my son an email about Goal Setting. I looked for a template and was unsatisfied with the results. As I dug deeper and thought about what is going on right now. The youth are unable to be out in the world and set their big and real goals for themselves because at this moment in time they are asked to stay at home in support of social distance. Time seems to be passing so slowly as our lives have shrunk down into the space of our homes. Most of us await what comes next with the prospect of many months spent in a much smaller world than we previously lived in.

My son likes to say that, “time is a construct.” He is correct, but does he understand what that means? Some skills are taught to help us “manage” time. But I have always felt out of sync with time and unable to gain “control” and “manage” time as I learned in the many self-improvement books and classes I have taken.

Here is a newer idea about time that seems better for me, try it on and see how it feels to you…

Skill: Manage YOUR Energy rather than Time

Here is a GREAT article that outlines what I have been doing for years. Questions I have asked my clients and didn’t even realize was part of a bigger skill understanding.

Manage Your Energy Not Your Time

I did not learn these important lessons in this order so I thought it might be useful to add my sequence to these life-altering ideas. Even one of these can be completely mind-blowing in my opinion.

  1. Personal Moment Energy Fluctuations: This is about what is happening RIGHT NOW first. If our body/mind is sick, tired, hungry, emotional, hormonal, hot/cold…my energy is off!
    Recommendations: Rest, sleep, eat, achieve emotional balance, attain hormone balance, achieve temperate balance.
  2. Personal Daily Energy Fluctuations: This is about what is happening in a 24-hour cycle for us. My husband jumps out of bed in the morning and gets right to work. It takes me a couple of cups of coffee and I’m energized and productive later in the day. Each of us has times during the day where energy is up/down. Energy fluctuates, so humans were not designed to force our bodies to have energy when they don’t. Cavemen, farmers, people who work with the land understand this implicitly through biology. This is as opposed to our modern cultures, which are driven by clocks and bright artificial lights. Most of the world takes a nap/siesta in the afternoon when body rhythms naturally dip. Our energy depletes if you are working or going to school at times mismatched to our energy.
    Recommendations: I used to have my clients exercise at their peak energy times, for me that’s later in the day. Some people like to exercise at energy dip times because it helps revive them. Understanding if you are a short or long sleeper and making sure you get enough sleep. An afternoon nap, no more than 20 minutes is shown to help with energy. Figure out your daily rhythm and work with it to maximize energy.
  3. Healthy Habits: Those of us who tend toward creative pursuits may have some difficulty forming healthy habits. The key to making peace with healthy habits for me (which REALLY helps with energy) is to allow myself flexibility on time/when I perform my habits. For instance, my husband does dishes at night. I prefer to do them in the morning with some music playing (music gives me more energy).
    Recommendation: Take a look at this list and see if there are a couple of new things that sound good to you: 74 Healthy Habits
  4. Purpose: When I am working with teens I always ask what they LOVE to do the most? What activities did they do when they were younger where time seemed to rush by while they were doing it?
    Recommendations: Spending even small amounts of time a couple of times a week engaged in something we truly love is super energizing. Adding something living to our lives like pets or plants helps lift our energy. One thing I changed this year was to forgo goal setting and become “Open.” This has completely changed my relationship to Time and given me huge stores of additional energy. I have an outline of what I want to include in my day and then I am open to what order I want to do them in. If I think of an old friend, I call them. If I feel like walking, I go. If I see a special bird or flower I Google it and learn about it. If I’m sleepy I rest. Eat when hungry. Cook/bake what I am craving…Life has been far more meaningful this year. I feel like I have way more time because I have way more energy. 3 Unexpected Ways to Find Life Purpose

Additional Information:

Energy Levels

How to Find Life Purpose

5 Steps to Finding Life Purpose

Published by tferrari

Over 25 years as an entrepreneur, business owner, consultant. BA in Psychology from University of California at San Diego MA from Alliant International University/California School of Professional Psychology

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